Plunge My Way March 1, 2025
Joe Nuxhall Miracle League; registration and donuts at 9:30; Plunge at 10:00
Sign up now to support BUTLER BRAVE. Follow this link to register for the plunge, post party lunch, join our team or donate!
Our Plunge My Way is bigger than ever this year! Three options: Too Chicken to Plunge, Penguin Run (water spray provided by Fairfield Fire Department, and NEW THIS YEAR Polar Plunge into a 600 gallon pool filled by Fairfield Public Utilities.
Post Party at Berd's (500 Wessel Dr Fairfield) 11-12:30. RSVP now using the above link. Pay at the Plunge(cash or check) Appetizers, wings, pizza, soft drinks. $12

State Summer Games
Pictures of our athletes at OSU for State Summer Games 2024!
We brought home a lot of bling!! And memories!
Thanks to Jeff Weeks for sharing!

Summer 2024 Sports
Congrats to our athletes and coaches who have participated in our summer sports of bowling, bocce, powerlifting and track and field.
22 Athletes and 3 Unified Partners will represent us at State Summer Games!

Since 1993
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a year-round sports training and athletic competitions in a variety or Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities in a safe and supportive environment, at no cost to athletes. Through sports, our athletes will be given opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage and experience joy! It is our hope that our athletes will inspire others in our community to better understand, accept and include people with intellectual disabilities.